Why do cats pretend to be hungry when they were very well fed about an hour ago?

Well there maybe many reasonss that a cat pretends to be hungry for this you need to understand cat’s psycology for this thing to be covered a have came accross a man who have lived with cats for more than 60 years looks at its views on cats behaviour.

Sir Bruce Dyer wrote that

I find it more of a psycological issue than a hunger issue . Stress is one of the reasons due to which cat feels hungry. Cats do some wierd things to attract attentions here’s some research articles about cats

Veterinarian Jennifer Coates notes that in some cases “Diseases like hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus, which can be associated with a ravenous appetite and altered behavior, are certainly more common than “psychogenic abnormal feeding behaviors.” Cats Obsessed with Food – Cat Always Hungry

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